To Reveal the Culture of Heaven Through Sonship
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United With Christ is an Apostolic Movement

What are apostles?

Apostles are not defined by any set of behaviors, actions or skills,
but they pioneer the Father’s will;

To see earth as it is in heaven.

They have a clear vision of the Father and an intense focus on what the Father is doing.

Apostles receive their impulse and intelligence through an intimate relationship with Christ, the original apostle.

From this vital relationship, they provide a clear and innovative vision of how to apply heavenly principles to the church and culture as a whole.
David Hoeflein

What is the movement?

As a community of believers,
we reveal the culture of Heaven through sonship in the following ways
  1. We are a church with a local and global expression
  2. We embody a lifestyle that reflects the Father's heart
  3. We share the news of a victorious kingdom
  4. We demonstrate the kindness of God that births wholeness
  5. We build our lives upon God's Word
Our Core Beliefs
The Scriptures
Both Old and New Testaments are God’s inspired Word which can be found in the Bible in various translations. God’s Word provides instruction, guidance, and inspiration for every situation mankind will experience.
One God
God has revealed Himself to mankind as existing in three distinguishable expression of His essential being: The Father, The Word, and The Spirit. He is the Author and Creator of all things and is seeking a personal, loving relationship with each of us.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ was conceived by God’s Spirit and born of a virgin, Mary. Therefore, He perfectly represents us to God and God to us. Today, mankind and God are united with Christ at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest and Mediator.
Salvation from sin belongs to all people who believe in and put their faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Through identifying ourselves with His substitution for our sins on the cross, we experience the joy of freedom from the sinful nature.
Water Baptism
This act is a believer’s personal identification with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, reckoning themselves as dead to sin and alive to God, that they may walk in newness of life.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
This act results in the deposit of spiritual gifts, ministry gifts, and is evidenced by speaking in tongues. This experience differs from the act of salvation, in that God’s Spirit comes upon His people to anoint them with power.
Those that are in Christ are God’s literal spiritual sons. They are born again to manifest His will, Nature, and Power on the Earth; releasing the culture of heaven through sonship.
This act is the remembrance of the brokenness of Jesus’ body on our behalf, which inspires us to embrace Him and all His benefits.
Divine Healing
God has purchased healing for our physical bodies and emotional souls through the sufferings of Jesus Christ on the cross. We therefore lay hands on the sick and release healing.
The Church is called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the nations and raise up his people to reign victoriously in life, to introduce God’s influence in every aspect of society.
Pastor Terry Parks